Plan now & save £150 on Choice Funeral Plans

Our Funeral Plans enable you to arrange and pay for your Funeral Director Services in advance, which could protect your loved ones from uncertainty and the risks of rising costs for these services.

Until 26th November we are offering a £150 discount, so now could be the ideal time to plan ahead and buy your Funeral Plan.

Quote TV150 to claim your discount.

A plan to suit you

Our Funeral Plans can be tailored to your unique wishes, and you don’t have to decide everything now. You will be able to update your plan later, and if you move home, you can move your plan with you.


The fixed cost of the essential services carried out by the Funeral Director.

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Selecting Choice Plus, secures additional Funeral Director Services.

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What’s included?

Our Funeral Plan includes Funeral Directors Services
These are the essential services carried out by your Nominated Funeral Director including but not limited to:

  • Collecting the Covered Individual from their place of death or other location within a 25-mile radius of your Funeral Director
  • Care and preparation of the Covered Individual before the funeral in professional facilities
  • Use of your Funeral Director’s Chapel of Rest, or private Rest Room during opening hours
  • An oak-effect foil veneered coffin
  • A hearse to transport the Covered Individual to the service, crematorium or cemetery (within 25-miles of your Funeral Director)
  • Funeral Director and up to four pall bearers to accompany and attend the service

What’s Included in a Choice Funeral Plan

What’s excluded?

Third Party Fees and Additional Products & Services are excluded, you have the option to make Voluntary Contributions towards these costs

  • Third Party Fees
    Your funeral cannot take place without payment being made for Third Party Fees. These variable external costs may include doctors, ministers/celebrants, and cremation or burial fees.
  • Additional Products & Services
    These can include flowers, the wake, obituaries/press notices, orders of service, special transport and other individual arrangements that you may have in mind. These costs are not included in our Funeral Plan, so you may want to make Voluntary Contributions towards these variable costs.

Depending upon the amount of Voluntary Contributions you make, this amount may or may not be sufficient to pay for Third Party Fees and Additional Products & Services. Additional costs may need to be paid for when the Funeral Plan is Redeemed. Prices will be charged at the prevailing rate at the time of Redemption

What’s Excluded in a Choice Funeral Plan