Choice Funeral Plans are provided by Alternative Planning Company Limited (APCL), which is registered in England and Wales with company number 08635411 and has its registered office at Cumberland Court, 80 Mount Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 6HH, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a Funeral Plan provider with firm reference number 965282.
Most Choice Funeral Plans are distributed by Funeral Partners Limited (Funeral Partners), which is registered in England and Wales with company number 06276941 and has its registered office at Cumberland Court, 80 Mount Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 6HH. Funeral Partners is an appointed representative of APCL. These details can be found on the Financial Services Register at Both APCL and Funeral Partners are part of the Funeral Partners Group.
The price of a Choice Essentials Plan is £2,650 and the equivalent price for this funeral purchased today is £3,307. The price of a Choice Plus Plan is £2,925 and the equivalent price for this funeral purchased today is £3,682 (based on our lowest priced coffin). The price of an Unattended Cremation Plan is £1,795 and the equivalent price for an unattended funeral purchased today is £1,995 (exc. doctor’s fees). These are a national average based on 282 branches in the Funeral Partners Network. Funeral prices vary, and local prices differ, please check your local Funeral Partners branch for specific funeral prices or go online at These prices are correct as of 1st January 2025.
APCL incurs costs in order to provide this Funeral Plan to you. APCL typically retains around £450 of the price you pay for each Funeral Plan to cover our costs. Our insurer will provide us with commission on the monies which we invest with them (from 0% up to 8%). The commission we receive does not affect the price of your plan and the precise amount will be determined by your age at the time of purchasing, as well as the payment method you choose.