Funeral Plan Summary

The Funeral Plan Summary for Unattended Cremation explains what is and is not included in your plan, how you will pay for your plan and information on cancelling your plan, making a complaint and your entitlement to compensation. Please ensure you read the Funeral Plan Summary carefully along with the terms and conditions below.

Printable Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions are available to download and print.

Unattended Cremation Plan Terms & Conditions


Alternative Planning Company Limited (‘APCL’) only offer Choice Funeral Plans. We do not provide advice. When you purchase a Choice Funeral Plan it is your responsibility to ensure the funeral plan meets your individual needs. The Terms on which we provide your Unattended Cremation Plan start on Activation and are included in these Terms, the Funeral Plan Summary – Unattended Cremation, Nominated Representative Document, Instalment Payment Form, Certificate of Entitlement and Information Pack.

These Terms are between you and us. No other person (except to arrange the unattended cremation as set out in the Redemption section in these Terms) shall have any rights to enforce any of these Terms. Read these Terms carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms you must cancel them in accordance with the section headed ‘Cancellation’ below.

We may transfer, assign, sub-contract, charge or otherwise deal in any other manner with all or any of our rights or obligations under this Agreement without your prior written consent. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the Agreement.
These Terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in England or in the court of the country that you reside in if you reside in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. These Terms and all communications between us will be in English.


Nominated Funeral Director

You must nominate a Funeral Director to provide the Funeral Director Services from a list which is controlled by us within 20 days of Activation. After this, and within 30 days of Activation, we may nominate a Funeral Director on your behalf. If you and we cannot agree a Nominated Funeral Director within this 30 day period, you or we may cancel the Unattended Cremation Plan.

If we nominate a Funeral Director on your behalf within the 30 day period, you will have 7 days to cancel the Unattended Cremation Plan starting from the day we nominated. In the event that the Nominated Funeral Director is no longer available at any point prior to the Unattended Cremation Plan being Redeemed (for example, it relocates or closes permanently, we deem it unsuitable, or the Covered Individual moves home), we will work with you or appropriate representatives of the Covered Individual in order to nominate an alternative Funeral Director to carry out the Unattended Cremation Plan.

If we cannot agree a new Funeral Director, we may give you notice and cancel the funeral plan. We will provide you (and your Nominated Representative, unless you did not nominate a representative) with a summary of the Unattended Cremation Plan including the name, address and contact details of the Nominated Funeral Director. Your Nominated Funeral Director is likely to be part of the Funeral Partners Group, APCL are also part of the Funeral Partners Group.


On Redemption, the Nominated Representative should contact us using the contact details in the ‘Contact Us’ section.

The purchase of this Unattended Cremation Plan does not confer on the purchaser nor the Nominated Representative the lawful right to arrange the cremation for the Covered Individual at Redemption and the person(s) who have that right may not choose to enact the Unattended Cremation Plan or carry out any Personal Requests.

All Unattended Cremation Plans are non-transferable. This means the person covered by this Unattended Cremation Plan (the Covered Individual) cannot be changed. At Redemption, in the event that anything included within Funeral Director Services is unavailable for any reason, we will use reasonable endeavours to provide a reasonable alternative. We will not be liable for the unavailability of any item that is outside of our control or any change in specification made by you. On Redemption, no refunds are provided for any unused Funeral Director Services, Third Party Fees or doctor’s fees, if applicable.


The Unattended Cremation Plan includes the following services and charges (‘Funeral Director Services’) as standard on Redemption:

  • Selecting your Nominated Funeral Director from a network of branches nationwide
  • Assisting with legal, administrative and arrangements for the cremation to take place
  • Collection of the Covered Individual from their place of death (or other location) within a 60-mile radius of the Nominated Funeral Director (over a 60-mile radius will incur a charge)
  • Care and preparation of the Covered Individual before the Cremation in professional facilities
  • Option of family and friends to spend time with the Covered Individual in a private room during opening hours at the Nominated Funeral Directors
  • Simple wood-effect veneered coffin
  • Private ambulance and funeral team to convey the Covered Individual to the crematorium of our choice
  • A suitable container for the ashes
  • Collection of ashes from the Nominated Funeral Director (charges will apply if delivery is required)
  • Option of ashes scattered (unattended) in the crematorium’s Garden of Remembrance. Additional charges may apply if friends and family wish to witness the scattering of ashes
  • Online memorial tribute webpage, including the ability to enable charitable donations

The Unattended Cremation Plan includes the following Third Party Fees as standard on Redemption:

  • Cremation fees (unattended cremation to take place on the date, time and at a crematorium, anywhere in the United Kingdom, chosen exclusively by the Nominated Funeral Director). The person responsible for arranging the cremation will be notified of the date
  • Doctor’s fees (in Northern Ireland only, if required to complete official documents prior to the cremation if a coroner has not been involved)


There may be charges for other items at Redemption that are not included in the Unattended Cremation Plan, which includes, but may not be limited to, the following items:

  • If the Covered Individual dies more than 60-miles from the Nominated Funeral Director then additional charges may be charged per mile (beyond the 60-mile radius) at the prevailing rate at the time of Redemption
  • Professional embalming (unless you have selected and paid for embalming as part of your purchase)
  • To have family, friends or other mourners in attendance at the cremation
  • Specifying the crematorium, date or time on which the cremation will take place
  • Ceremonial vehicles such as a hearse, limousine and Ceremonial Staff
  • Minister, celebrant or officiant (as no service takes place)
  • Upgrades associated with the Funeral Director Services, e.g. coffin and casket upgrades
  • In the event that the Covered Individual dies abroad, any associated fees with the repatriation of the Covered Individual will be applied

Value Added Tax (‘VAT’) is not currently chargeable upon the provision of certain elements of cremation services. We reserve the right to recover this cost, if it becomes chargeable, from you or representatives who are arranging the funeral service at Redemption. Other taxes or costs may exist that are not paid through us or imposed by us.


Payments made towards the Unattended Cremation Plan will be used to arrange an insurance policy which exists between us and the Insurer in accordance with the FCA’s rules.

Changes to the Unattended Cremation Plan

Please contact us to make any changes to Personal Requests. We do not charge for making changes to Personal Requests. If the Unattended Cremation Plan is no longer right for you, you can cancel your plan (see “Cancellation”) or you may be able to switch your plan to one of our attended plans. If you switch, new Terms will apply and additional payments will be required. If the Unattended Cremation Plan no longer meets your needs, you may able to switch to another Choice funeral plan product. In order to switch, your funeral plan must be fully paid at the time of the switch. If the funeral plan is not fully paid, you may need to cancel the funeral plan and purchase a new funeral plan. Cancelling your funeral plan may result in the loss of any investment growth which may or may not have been accrued, and a new moratorium period may apply to your new funeral plan (if you choose to pay by instalment). At Redemption, the person responsible for arranging the cremation may choose to upgrade the funeral at their expense.

Voluntary Contributions

You can make Voluntary Contributions towards certain costs associated with Third Party Fees and Additional Products & Services, which will be used to arrange insurance with the Insurer. Third Party Fees and Additional Products & Services will be charged at the prevailing rate at the time of Redemption.
There may be additional costs to pay for certain Third Party Fees and Additional Products & Services at Redemption.


You can always cancel your Unattended Cremation Plan for free at any time. We will repay to you any sums we have received from you in accordance with these Terms within 30 days. In all instances, you acknowledge that you lose your right to cancel once the Unattended Cremation Plan has been Redeemed. Where you cancel, you will not earn any growth on any payments made, you withdraw from the Unattended Cremation Plan and these Terms will be terminated. If you wish to cancel the Unattended Cremation Plan, please contact us.

Correspondence address and your circumstances

We will provide you with a statement relating to your Unattended Cremation Plan every three years. You should notify us if you change your correspondence address (which must be within the United Kingdom) or any other contact details you have provided to us. We will contact you by using the correspondence address you have most recently provided us with written notice of, unless our data screening activities suggest you no longer reside at that address. We may use external data screening services to keep your records (and the records of the Covered Individual and Nominated Representative, if one has been appointed) up-to-date in order to communicate service messages or marketing messages to you (where we have appropriate permissions). We do not sell your data to third parties.

Payments and provision of the Unattended Cremation Plan

You must pay the total fees set out in the Purchase Agreement, including the Unattended Cremation Plan Fees (Funeral Director Services and Third Party Fees) and if selected, embalming fees and any Voluntary Contributions.


If you have a complaint, please contact us using the contact details in the ‘Contact us’ section of these Terms and we will promptly handle your complaint in line with our complaints procedure, which can be viewed at You (and others) may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service as set out in the Funeral Plan Summary – Unattended Cremation.

Data Protection

When you agree to our Terms, you agree to our privacy practices. We may use your data to inform you about related products and services we provide, unless you ask us not to which you may do at any time. In the event that you provide us with personal data about an individual(s) other than yourself, you must obtain their freely given consent before doing so. Such consent extends to, but is not limited to, understanding that certain information about the Covered Individual may be provided to the Nominated Representative. We will not be held liable for any failure by you to obtain the necessary consent(s). You must also bring our Privacy Policy to their attention before you provide their personal data to us. We reserve the right to record inbound and outbound calls for training and monitoring purposes. Call recordings will be retained in line with our retention policy. For further details on how we process your personal data and the third parties we may share your data with, please visit Please contact us if you require a copy of our Privacy Policy by another means.


By entering into these Terms you agree that, if we Fail, you give us your prior and informed consent for the transfer of our obligations to another firm that is authorised to provide funeral plans that is arranged by an insolvency practitioner appointed to us that will result in the Unattended Cremation Plan contract being continued on the same terms as these Terms or where the transfer is arranged by the FSCS and is on terms corresponding in all material respects (so far as it appears to the FSCS to be reasonable in the circumstances) to these Terms. We do not require the consent of the Covered Individual in respect of the transfers set out in this clause. Please refer to the Funeral Plan Summary – Unattended Cremation in respect of FSCS cover.

Appointment of us as your agent

Without prejudice to you or the Covered Individual asserting any rights against the Insurer, you irrevocably appoint us, for the duration of these Terms, as your agent for the purposes of asserting any right or interest that you have in the contract of insurance with the Insurer.


  • In these Terms, words following “including” or “include” are not an exhaustive list, “writing” or “written” includes emails but not fax, reference to any laws, statutory provisions or regulatory rules are as amended or replaced from time to time, and a “business day” is a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
  • We are only responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our failure to comply with these Terms. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time these Terms was made, both we and you knew it might happen. We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so, such as liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraud.
  • Neither we nor you will breach this Agreement or be liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligations if it is beyond that person’s reasonable control, in which case the affected party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of time, provided that it continues for 2 months, the party not affected may end this Agreement.
  • Even if we delay in enforcing these Terms, we can still enforce them later. If a court finds part of these Terms illegal, the rest will continue unaffected in full force and effect.

Unredeemed plans and refunds

If we become aware through our ongoing screening processes that the Covered Individual has died but the funeral plan has not been Redeemed, we will take reasonable steps to contact you or representatives of your estate in order to cancel the funeral plan and provide you with a refund. In the event that we have taken these steps but we have been unable to contact you or representatives of your estate, within a reasonable timeframe, we reserve the right to cancel the funeral plan (minus any reasonable costs incurred) and donate monies to a charity of our choice on your behalf.

If the funeral plan has been redeemed, and a refund is due for any excess Voluntary Contributions, we will make a refund to you or representatives of your estate. We will take reasonable steps to contact you or representatives of your estate to provide you with a refund. In the event that we have taken these steps but we have been unable to contact you or representatives of your estate, within a reasonable timeframe, we reserve the right to provide a refund to the Covered Individual’s estate through the person responsible for arranging the Covered Individual’s funeral, or to donate monies to a charity of our choice on your behalf.

Contact us
Please contact the funeral home in which you purchased your Unattended Cremation Plan or call Choice on 01803 298 243, email [email protected] or write to Choice Funeral Plans, 46 The Terrace, Torquay, Devon TQ1 1DE.

Instalment Terms


This document, which includes the Instalment Terms and Instalment Payment Form, apply to you when you pay for your Unattended Cremation in instalments and form part of the Unattended Cremation Plan Terms. This document adopts the definitions used in the Unattended Cremation Plan Terms. Read this document and the Unattended Cremation Plan Terms carefully.

We may transfer, assign, sub-contract, charge or otherwise deal in any other manner with all or any of our rights or obligations under this Agreement without your prior written consent. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the Agreement.

These Terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in England or in the court of the country that you reside in if you reside in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. These Terms and all communications between us will be in English.

Payments and provision of the Funeral Plan

You must pay the total fees set out in the Purchase Agreement and pay for any Additional Services requested, including the Unattended Cremation Plan Fees and, if requested, embalming, as well as any other Voluntary Contributions you may have chosen to make.

Where you pay by instalments:

  • If you miss two consecutive payments, we will write to you, detailing the extent of any shortfall and request you pay any shortfall within 10 business days of the date of our letter. If payment is not received within this time, we reserve the right to cancel the funeral plan or we may not provide any services whilst the payment remains outstanding after 10 business days.
  • Changes to the financial amount of Funeral Director Services or Voluntary Contributions can be made only once the funeral plan has been paid in full.
  • If paying by instalment, switching is only possible once the plan is fully paid. If you want to switch before your plan is fully paid, a cancellation fee may apply.
  • If the Unattended Cremation Plan no longer meets your needs, you may able to switch to another Choice Funeral Plan product. In order to switch, your funeral plan must be fully paid at the time of the switch. If the funeral plan is not fully paid, you may need to cancel the funeral plan and purchase a new funeral plan. Cancelling your funeral plan may result in the loss of any investment growth which may or may not have been accrued, and a new moratorium period may apply to your new funeral plan (if you choose to pay by instalment).
  • Full payment for the funeral plan must be made before the Covered Individual reaches the age of 85.
  • In the event that the Covered Individual dies within 24 months from the date of Activation, we are not obliged to provide the services in the funeral plan unless the outstanding payments are made.
  • If the Covered Individual dies within 24 months from the date of Activation and the death is Accidental, or if the Covered Individual dies after 24 months from the date of Activation (irrespective of the cause of death) then no further payments will need to be made towards Funeral Director Services. Depending upon the amount of Voluntary Contributions made, additional payments may need to be paid for Additional Products & Services. Accidental death means a bodily injury is sustained,
    caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means, which is solely and independently of any other cause results in death. Accidental death does not include death caused by ingesting drugs, unless they were prescribed to the Covered Individual by a registered doctor in the UK, or a coroner’s verdict of accidental death in circumstances other than where the death is caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means, which is solely and independently of any other cause results in death.
  • You may make one initial down payment towards the funeral plan (except when buying online), in order to reduce your monthly payments. After this, you are able to pay off the funeral plan sooner by making one full payment of the final balance. However, you cannot make ad hoc payments.
  • Please speak to us if you wish to change your instalment plan duration.

If you need a copy of the Unattended Cremation Plan terms then please contact the Choice office on 01803 298 243 or email [email protected]

Offer Terms – 200OFF

The Offer will run from 00.01 on 03/03/2025 until 23.59 on 11/05/2025.

Please see


Offer Terms – £200 Off any Choice Plus Funeral Plan for a Friend or Family Member

The Offer will run from 03/03/2025 until 02/03/2026 inclusive.

Please see full terms and conditions for this offer