Earlier on in June, Funeral Director Sarah Graham from our Funeral Partner’s Waterside Funeral Home handed over a cheque for £500 to Hythe Pier Heritage Association which was raised via the sale of Choice Funeral Plans.

For every plan sold, £50 was put towards supporting this wonderful cause.

Run by volunteers, the groups aim is to preserve and develop the pier as a unique part of local heritage, to be enjoyed by local people and visitors to the village of Hythe. Hythe Pier is in the Guinness Book of Records for having the longest pier train in the world.

They have already revamped the waiting rooms at the end of the pier and the entrance.

The Association is going to use this £500 to kick- start their next campaign, to raise funds to restore the train tracks and work on the train itself.

For more information, or if you’d like to help, visit their website at http://www.savehythepier.org.uk/default.asp


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